I have not written recently. It’s not because I’ve been too
busy, or had more important things to do, or some family matter that was
holding me from doing it. It was simply because I didn’t feel like it. . I feel
like writing thank you cards, which I should probably get working on now… I
didn’t even feel like journaling—something I usually do every night. The last
thing I wanted to do was blog, I just could not think of anything thoughtful,
funny, or interesting and nothing was inspiring to me. That is, until
I was sitting in my grandparents’ living room crammed onto a
small couch with two of my cousins and a small excitable dog watching the super
bowl (well, the commercials) and eating chips and salsa. My cousin happened to
mention a store that she had gone into with my aunt a couple weeks ago. The
store is called Brandy Melville, you may or may not have heard of it before (if
you haven’t heard of it, here is their website: http://www.brandymelvilleusa.com/)
. When my aunt inquired as to how the sizing worked, the woman said, “oh it’s
one size fits all!”
Wait what?
“how does that
“well the
average size of women is 4, so we work around that”.
Let’s just let that marinate for a second.
Not only is it “one size fits all”, but also it is “one size
fits all” for a world of size 4 models.
So many things about this irked me. First off, that
information is simply incorrect. Today, the average American woman is a size
14. Now let’s take a moment and look at that word, “average”. What exactly does
that mean? Does it mean that every American woman is a size 14? Nope! When
something is “average” it is the same as the “mean”, like in math. Remember
finding the mean, median, and mode? Well that is exactly what this is. It means
that in some kind of survey they asked a whole bunch of women for their sizes,
added those numbers up and divided it by the number of women they asked. If you
need a visual of what that would look like, here you go:

There would have been an incredibly wide range of sizes, all
the way from 00 to 8x and a great number of women within each range. Within
these size ranges every woman is a different age, race, body type. They have
different jobs, different families, and different hobbies. There is absolutely
nothing “average” about it. There is absolutely no such thing as “one size fits
Sitting in my Grandparents’ living room we had three
generations of women. Every one of us has different interests—music, dancing,
fashion, hiking, Swedish folklore, etc. Even though we are related, we all look
very different. Sure my cousins and I all have exactly the same eye color, but
that is just about where the similarities end. Whereas I am 5’6”, blonde and hourglass
shaped, my cousin is shorter, more athletically built, with stunning nut brown
hair and almond shaped eyes. My grandma is, and always has been, tall and
slight while all my aunts are ranging in height, hair color, and curves. We all
are so different and I have to say, pretty good looking. It is our differences
that make us interesting. It is our differences that make us beautiful. What
fun would there be if we all looked exactly the same? What fun would there be
in a “one size fits all” world?
Why should we want a “one size fits all” when it is
diversity that makes life interesting? We like new artists, musicians, and
actors because they are new. Every year we have award shows, like the Grammys
and the Golden Globes, where artists are awarded for bringing something new to the
table and changing something up in the art world. It would be so incredibly
boring if the same actors won the same award every year and if the same music
was played at each event. It would be even more tiresome if it were the same
music as last year and the year before and 10 years ago and 50 years ago. We
watch these shows every year because every year there is something new. We go
to museums because we like to see different paintings. The impressionists were
considered so good and appealing because they were completely different from
the ones that came before. We like change.
So why are we trying to be the same as our neighbors? Why
does there even exist a store that sells “one size fits all”? Why have we even
allowed this to happen?
If you ever find yourself comparing yourself to your
friends, family, acquaintances, favorite celebrities, random strangers on the
street, or anything of the like, try to think of something that makes you
unique. What is special to you that makes you different and beautiful? Whenever
I feel down on myself and feel fat or ugly I look at my lips. I have very
large, red lips. I got my lips from my dad, who got them from his dad. They are
unique to my family and me; they make me distinctive. And I think they are
pretty darn good looking. Why on earth should I compare myself to some skinny
supermodel that doesn’t have nearly as good of lips? She is beautiful in her
way and me in mine. That is perfectly okay! In fact that is great.
Today let’s make a pact. I want you to promise me, or just
yourself, that from now on you will celebrate your differences. Promise me that
you will never ever ever try to be part of a “one size fits all world” because
that would be a boring world indeed.
Goodbye my beautiful ones